Listen, traveler, for I have traversed the varied realms of software development for nigh on two decades. It began with humble origins; simple incantations of HTML and CSS. In my 12th summer, I was taken under the wing of a number of masters of the craft, who set me on this path. Their first test: deciphering the ancient tongue of C++ with nothing but samples to learn from.

I fervently pursued more knowledge until I was of age to attend an academic institute. Though my passion waned in my second year of academia, I never truly abandoned my craft. I continued to dabble in various forms of the art, crafting simple spells of C# and Ruby.

Yet, I could not resist the call of the path forever. I returned to the fold, delving into the mysteries of Ruby and Rails, then JavaScript. But it was not until I came upon the Arcanum at that I learned to wield the craft properly. With their guidance, I have been weaving more and more complex spells, delving deeper into the secrets this 'web' holds.

Now, I roam the land as a wandering CSSorceress, offering my skills to those in need. From small-scale charms to large serverless rituals that call upon multiple APIs, I am always eager to push the boundaries of my craft.

In plain English: I've been fascinated with programming since I was young. I wanted to make video games, like half the kids that got into programming! When I was around 12, my cousin got me to join him in a game called Graal Online. There, they had player-created worlds you could play on. Both of us being aspiring programmers, we jumped on the opportunity with a few friends we had met while playing, and set out to learn the beginner-friendly language C++.

Despite how awful that may sound, it was fueled by passion and a never-ending hunger to learn. I kept coding for our player world and then a small amount on the main game server itself after they added a feature I worked on.

I fell out of love with programming while in university, but that spark reignited 6 years ago. This time, with quantifiable goals in mind, I studiend and practiced fervently until I was able to get my first freelance gig designing and developing VinceOTL for a Twitch streamer. Since that time, I have continued to push the limits of my knowledge by developing more complex web apps for clients and simply to sate my desire to learn.